Six-Month Report on Demolitions and Seizures in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem
November 23, 2020
Apartheid: The Reality of Israel’s Colonial Occupation of Palestine
December 17, 2020The Mission of the State of Palestine would like to share this report with you on actions to eliminate violence against women in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The report was released to coincide with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women which is observed annually on the 25th of November.
This report outlines the particular challenges faced by women and girls living under Israeli occupation, and the measures the State of Palestine is taking to eliminate violence.
From 1st September 2019 to 31st July 2020, 4 women were killed by Israeli occupation forces and 176 women including 51 girls were injured;
During the same period, 7 women were injured in settler attacks;
43 women are currently being held under administrative detention, i.e. jailed without charge or trial;
582 Palestinian structures were demolished during the reporting period displacing 196 women and 181 girls;
Restrictions on movement enforced by the occupation steal time from Palestinian women and hinder their access to education, health care services, work, family and friends.
What we are doing to combat this inequality:
Implementing and monitoring our National Strategy for Prevention of Violence Against Women;
Adopting an action plan to implement CEDAW recommendations and examining our family law provisions to ensure they are compliant;
Ensuring all measures and infrastructure are in place to adequately deal with reports of violence against women;
We call upon the international community to exert every effort on a diplomatic, legal and political level to ensure that the occupying power abides by its obligations towards Palestinian women and girls under international law.