Briefing: Israel Withholding Palestinian Bodies
March 3, 2020
Briefing: Israel is obligated to monitor the health of Palestinian prisoners
March 19, 2020The Mission of the State of Palestine would like to share the news with you that Israel has approved a settler-only road designed to cut the territorial contiguity of the State of Palestine and further plans to expand the “E1” colonial enterprise.
As you can see from the attached map, the road will connect with the existing “apartheid” road between the Palestinian villages of Anata and Za’ayyem that was built and opened by Israel in early 2019. It will ultimately prevent Palestinian access from the southern part of the West Bank towards Jericho and the Jordan Valley to the east.
The ”E1” settlement involves building hundreds of settlement units to link the illegal settlements of Kfar Adumim and Maale Adumim with East Jerusalem in the Israeli-controlled Area C of the West Bank, and will effectively cut the West Bank in two.
We call on and urge the international community to act to prevent this annexation, which will seriously damage the prospects of a peaceful two-state solution.