Illegal settler terror campaign in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
March 3, 2023
August 14, 2023Announcement
2023 Right of Return Annual Contest
The Mission of the State of Palestine to Ireland would like to announce that in the occasion of commemorating the 75th anniversary of 1948 Nakba, the Department of Palestinian Refugees’ Affairs at the Palestinian Liberation Organization would like to announce the annual 2023 Right of Return contest.
The contest aims to raise awareness about Palestinian refugees’ rights and the conditions they endure in refugee camps.
Fields of Participation:
- Creating a poster about al-Nakba and the forcible displacement of Palestinians;
- A short documentary film portraying al-Nakba, the forcible displacement of Palestinians, and their right of return;
- Photographs that illustrate the meaning of refugees’ status and their rights.
- Participants of all ages are welcome;
- The submitted material has never been published before;
- Material must focus on refugees and their right of return;
- It is not permitted to use racist or discriminatory symbols;
- Each participant may submit only ONE piece;
- The publishing of the winning piece will be the responsibility of the Department of Refugees Affairs at the Palestinian Liberation Organization;
- Each field of participation will be examined by an experienced jury;
- Submit no later than the mentioned deadline;
Applying for the contest:
Participants can send the required information (Full Name, ID Number, Citizenship, Residency, WhatsApp Number, Field of participation) on nakba75@gmail.com
Fill an application on https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdJLepbENCoPGq0Pls_TvDH96A1-iAgDhwRIM95J3PBtEKGkw/viewform
Additional Information about each field of the contest:
- Poster expressing the Nakba and Forcible Displacement of Palestinians (the current situation on the 75th anniversary)
The theme of the poster should focus on the 75th anniversary of al-Nakba and the rights of refugees, especially their right to return to their homeland, Palestine, from which they were expelled from in 1948, according to UN Resolution 194.
The work is required to reflect the strength of continuity, steadfastness, perseverance and challenge among the Palestinian people and refugees in defending the rights of refugees, knowing that this year the United Nations will commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Nakba with a high-level event in the corridors of the United Nations on 15/05/2023, and there will be a speech by President Mahmoud Abbas on the same date.
Note that the winning poster will be printed and published in Palestine and diaspora and used as the main poster on commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Nakba.
Technical specifications about the Poster:
- The poster must be creative and new. It has not been previously published;
- The poster can be a manual artwork, or it may be designed electronically;
- Design must be in high quality;
- Best posters will be honoured according to the recommendations of an experienced jury;
- An exhibition of the participating works will be held according to the recommendations of the jury on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba and the memory of the Balfour Declaration;
- When submitting the artwork, please attach a brief about the participant, including education, work, experience, and means of communication, such as phone numbers, e-mail, place of residence, etc.
(Last date for submitting the poster: 5th of April 2023
Prize value for the poster field:
First prize: $1,000
Second prize: $700
Third prize: $500
- The short documentary film, which simulates forcible displacement, the Nakba, and the right to return.
The subject of the short documentary film should shed light on Palestinians refugee issues, especially the right of return. Also, documenting testimonies, and explain about the refugees status in the diaspora.
Additional information:
1. Adhere to the main competition conditions;
2. The applicant is entitled to participate in only one short documentary film;
3. The film must be in high resolution;
4. The film must be creative and new, which has not been previously published;
5. The winners of the best short documentaries will be honored according to the recommendations of the experienced jury;
6. The participating films will be shown according to the recommendations of the jury on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba and the memory of the Balfour Declaration;
7. The department does not bear any legal responsibility for any violation of the ownership rights of the nominated and winning film;
8. The adoption of the Arabic language in the documentary film is obligatory, and if the work contains any passages in English or other languages, subtitles are required.
9. Participation can be an individual work, a duo work, a team work, or an organization;
10. Provide accurate data, figures and information, if used, in the short documentary;
11. Duration: It should not exceed 7 minutes;
12. Submitted participating materials are not returned to the owners.
Film Submission Deadline: 5th April 2023
Award value for the short documentary film:
First prize: $1,000
Second prize: $700
Third prize: $500
- The photographic image that reflects the reality of Palestinian refugees and protecting their rights.
The picture should focus on the concept of Nakba and its repercussions on the life of Palestinian refugees, the camps and the displacement from which the Palestinian people still suffer, and holding to their rights, especially the right to return.
1- The general competition conditions are an integral part of the special conditions for all fields;
2- The applicant is entitled to participate in one work / photo only;
3- The image is original and natural, and it is not processed on one of the electronic programs;
4- The photo should not contain any comments or signatures;
5- The image must be of a high resolution that enables it to be printed and enlarged;
6- The photo must be a creative and new work that has not been previously published;
7- The winning participants with the best photos will be honored according to the recommendations of the competition jury committee;
8- An exhibition of the participating photos will be held according to the recommendations of the jury on the 75th anniversary of the Nakba and the memory of the Balfour Declaration;
- The department does not bear any legal responsibility for any breach of the ownership rights of the nominated and winning photo.
Deadline for submitting the photo May 18th 2023 which allows artists to take photographs of Nakba commemoration events.
Award value for the photo field:
First prize: $700
Second prize: $500
Third prize: $300