Ambassador's Message
It's an honour to represent the State Palestine in Ireland, promoting the rich and diverse culture of the Palestinian people while strengthening our close ties with Ireland at government level and with the Irish people.
I was born and lived in Gaza to a family forcibly expelled from historic Palestine. Inspired by international diplomacy and the United Nations, I followed my dream to become Ambassador of Palestine. I began my diplomatic service at the Palestinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1995 (planning and international cooperation at the time) as Assistant Chief of Protocol. I was then posted in Cyprus where I completed my doctorate in Business/Political Marketing, before arriving in Ireland in August 2013 as deputy to the former Ambassador.
On May 28th 2024, Ireland recognised Palestine as a sovereign state and I am very proud to serve as the first Ambassador. It is an honour to represent my people in a country that holds justice, human rights and international law so dearly.
I look forward to continuing to work with the government of Ireland to enhance mutual relations and securing peace and stability back home in Palestine.
Go raibh maith agat,
Dr Jilan Wahba Abdalmajid,
Ambassador of the State of Palestine in Ireland
Our Mission
Our Mission’s main objective is to advance the Palestinian – Irish Bilateral relationship and strengthen ties with the Irish government and people. Palestine and Ireland have fostered close relations and strong ties based on mutual respect for peace and human rights, and the effort placed in achieving these endeavors. We believe that through international support, recognition, and advocacy we can help facilitate peace in Palestine.
Cultural Heritage
Palestine has a rich, unique and diverse natural heritage. Because of its strategic location and proximity to the three continents of Africa, Asia and Europe and its location on the Mediterranean Sea, it has a wide and abundant biodiversity.
Palestine is made up of several ecological zones each of which has unique species, ecological communities and landscapes. These include the eastern and western slopes, the desert in the south, the Dead Sea area and off coarse the coastal area in Gaza.
Synonymous with Palestinian culture and heritage is the olive tree. Olive trees account for more than 50% of cultivated land in Palestine, but their resilience and strength also makes them a symbol of Palestine.
Olive harvest begins in October every year and is a truly community and family based occasion. The harvest is used for olive oil, pickled and preserved olives and traditional, hand-made olive oil soap and wood crafts.
Food and family are two very important aspects of Palestinian culture. The freshest seafood, scarlet pomegranates, olives, figs, dates, fresh herbs from the mountains and grapes all feature heavily in our cuisine, and we take great pride in offering the finest hospitality.
As well as nature’s bounty, Palestinians have a love of traditional arts and crafts such as making the thobe, the decorative robe worn by women and girls on special occasions, ceramics and basket-weaving, music and dance.
Irish Solidarity
Ireland has a long tradition of solidarity with the Palestinian cause. In 2000, Ireland opened a representative office in Ramallah in the West Bank where our official mission is to work towards the establishment of an independent State of Palestine.
Ireland have provided almost €90 million in the past ten years to support the state-building efforts of Palestine and to address the development and humanitarian needs of the Palestinian people. Ireland also provides funding to UNRWA and is funding a vital water infrastructure project in Gaza at the moment.
On the international stage, Ireland is a strong advocate for a solution to the Middle East Peace Process that results in a sovereign, viable, Palestinian state. Ireland works closely with the Palestinian authority and with our UN and EU partners to further peace in Palestine.
Palestine has had a mission here in Ireland since 2001. The first Delegate-general was Mr Ali Hamineh and the first Ambassador who presented his credentials to the President of Ireland was Dr Ahmed Abdelrazek. Our mission here is to preserve and strengthen our bilateral ties..
Before our first Delegate-general arrived, Palestinian interests were represented here by the Irish-Arab Society since the 1970’s and then the Irish Friends of Palestine society which was founded by Deputy Seán Ryan in 1981. Mr Eugene Makhlouf, Mrs Laila Shaheed and Mr. Yousef Allan provided non-resident representation.
Our previous ambassadors:.

Ali Halimeh

Dr. Hekmat Al Ajjouri

Mr. Ahmad Abdelrazek